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The principle is simple when we look at an iceberg from afar, we think wow what a view! Believing that that’s all there is to it;

but as the waterline drops and as the jagged edges hidden below are exposed,

we soon realise that there is much more to what was originally a beautiful view.


At Waterline, we dare the men to drop their waterlines and reveal their jagged edges, reveal the side that only a few see,

reveal them in a safe environment so that together we can work with those issues to bring about a better man,

bring about a Christ-centered man.

The Last Waterline Session


On October 10, at the Waterline Life Guide session,

the men gathered to discuss Their first order of priestly duty

as Christian husbands.


Waterline has helped me set a discipline in how I think and act as it helped me realize that the center of God's creation are men and He has chosen us to show this world with a broken male culture what Godly men are like -Learning about Jesus and other Prophets from the Bible as to how they lived a life under God's command even with little resources and motivation has changed my thinking about myself. I have a small group that I know is praying for me throughout the week and it's a joy praying for them and with them at Waterline.

- Akash Sen


I feel more responsible towards my family… now take the lead, not just as a provider but to lead them to

grow stronger in their faith.

- Nitin

We have explored and completed a variety of materials -but one such material that has made a mark on me

is “SOAR”. The beautiful analogy of how a caged eagle will not know how to fly once set free holds true for

many of us. We have been set free by our Savior, yet we still live a bonded life, bound to the very idols that we preach is sin for us. This very insight is powerful enough to tell me who I am and what I am meant to do. Even though I falter, I have learnt to look up at the sky to see where I should SOAR.

- Rohitash


In my group, I was able to let down my guard to talk about my problems, weaknesses and ask for help… It puts you in a place where you aren’t in it for yourself alone but rather for the whole group, constantly thinking during the week about the problems the other men are facing and how you can help.

- Rohith

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Come invest in your personal growth

as God's man. 




Rohitash- +919560588873

Amendra +918130645829

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